Online Grant Application

  1. Click here to LOGIN.
  2. Enter your username and password. If your organization does not have login information, please complete this form here.

You will be asked to provide general information about your organization, a narrative summary of the project including the needs your organization wants to address, and how you plan to measure the outcome of your project. You will also be asked for a detailed budget and information about other funding sources.

Staff Review

Your grant application is reviewed by our Community Impact staff. During this process, a program officer may request more information or conduct a site visit. Your application may be reviewed by a committee of community volunteers, which may impact the decision timeline.

Applications are reviewed, in part, on the following:

  • Does the proposal align with stated funding priorities?
  • Does the proposal include collaboration and cooperation with other organizations when appropriate?
  • Are those being served involved in designing or evaluating the program?
  • Is there evidence the organization is committed to being/becoming a learning organization, e.g. willing to capture lessons learned and modify programs accordingly?

All applicants are notified of the results of the final funding decision within three to four months of the application due date. Organizations may receive full or partial funding, or in some cases, we may decline to fund your project.

Download electronic copies of our grant applications and budget form, below. You may use these to draft your application before submission; however, we will only accept applications submitted through our online system (except for the Neighborhood Small Grants Program). 

Community Foundation of Greater Flint General Application 

Flint Kids Fund Application 

Neighborhood Small Grants Grant Application (Coming Early 2025)

Flint Women and Girls Application 

Application Budget Form